New Beginnings


Well here we are. My annual attempt to get back into blogging. Let’s just hope it sticks this time! 🙂 So much has happened in my life this past year!! Senior year at Ball State was a complete whirlwind. It brought me some of my highest highs and my lowest lows, but I guess that’s life, right?

I am incredibly nostalgic and emotional writing this tonight though because it is the eve of the first day of school at Ball State. What an incredibly bizarre feeling to not be going back to classes for the first time in my entire life. (AH!) I couldn’t be more excited to be living in New York City right now, but I’m also really missing the people who had such an important impact on my life back home and at school. I’m not really sure how to feel…

I’ll give a more complete life updated in the coming posts, but I really wanted to get back on here and make a public promise to start blogging again. I really enjoy it, and want to make it part of my weekly routine. Since graduating, I have had the freedom and ability to actually start setting time aside for myself and my personal interests. (Which has been GREAT!) I have never really put a lot of effort into self-care (or even really believed in the value of it…because if you’re doing what you love every day why do you have to take time to just relax for yourself) BUT now I really value it! Probably because it has let me start to appreciate and take time for the things that are not necessarily doing anything for me except letting me enjoy them. 🙂

Even though blogging hasn’t been a super active part of my life for the past year, it has always been on my mind. I literally have a note saved on my phone of all of my blog post ideas! Some of them are silly, but others I am really passionate about and am excited to write out and share.

With that being said, and in the spirit of self care, AND the promise I am making to myself to blog more, I want to commit to it being just that. A blog. I promise to myself to never have the pressure of making an interesting blog, or curating it to match a certain look or design. I want this to be about my adventures. About the roads life takes me on, the people I meet, and the experiences I get to treasure. SO. Here is to giving myself time to enjoy the things I enjoy in the places I enjoy with the people I enjoy.

Okay…this has turned gross and sappy. Stay tuned for my next post! I will be talking all about the move to the BIG APPLE!




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